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Wednesday, August 23, 2006


I was so dissapointed with Goldnboy14 on Yahoo Chess
His rating was 998 and he joined my table but then stood up after I have pressed the Start button.
Worried that I will lose some points, I try to cancel the game.
Suddenly Yahoo says that my rating dropped by 30 points!
I was stunned but when I checked at my game history, it says that I lost to this Goldnboy14.
I didn't even play against him!!

I told him about that (so that he won't do that to other people in the future) but he didn't even bothered to say sorry.
Maybe he's still new to Yahoo Chess but he played more games than me!

Never mind him.
I'll have to play some more games to increase my rating back since I lost some points last week. I lost badly in a game against a 17++ last week and it has shattered my confidence and concentration for a while. I lost a few more games
after that. I have regained some winning tempo today. Hopefully it will continue that way.

His Rating

His rating

My Rating

My rating

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Kasparov and Karpov won!

Ooo yeah...
I'll look at some of the games soon.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Kramnik won

So Kramnik won Dortmund 2006.
That wasn't new.
Kramnik winning Dotmund also wasn't new.
Kramnik won against Leko - also wasn't new.
He is a great player indeed.

Kramnik winning a tournament after recovering from his health problem.
That's kind of new.
He displayed a great performance during Olympiad in Turin
...and again in Dortmund.

I guess he is preparing well enough for his matches against Topalov and Deep Fritz.
I hope to see some great games and not many short draws.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Dortmund 2006

Now has moved its attention to Dortmund since Biel has finished with full of excitement. Dortmund has been a field where everyone was trying to draw early in the earlier stage. What is exactly the reason for a tournament if everyone goes there and plays opening moves that everyone has known of and then agreed for draw without even going into the middlegame where complications start? Are they planning to go back with the money they will get from the tournament just like that? I really hope that Dortmund will turn into something more instructive especially when games like Adams-Gelfand that has finished with 117 moves in 7 and 1/2 hours were being played.

Openings for today:
1. Leko-Aronian: Ruy Lopez/Exchange Variation
2. Kramnik-Adams: Petroff Defense
3. Naiditsch-Svidler: Ruy Lopez(Closed)/Zaitsev Variation
4. Eismont-Heinzel: Old Benoni Defense (!!)
5. Gelfand-Jobava: English -> turned into Sicilian/Maroczy Bind (!!)

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Moro wins Biel 2006

Congratulations to Morozevich for clinching Biel 2006 with style. He won against everyone except for the wonder boy, Carlsen. Unfortunately, he drew his last game maybe because he was too tired. If not, he will be the only person in the tournament who never drawn any game. It has been an incredible tournament for Moro and now he has 3/3 record for Biel. At the same time, it was a great shame for Topalov's manager who labelled Moro as a coward before. What kind of coward player won a tournament with +7 -2 =1 (??)

I was hoping that some IM's or GM's - maybe Moro himself will annotate some of his (Moro) games from Biel 2006. Most of his games are very interesting and instructive.
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